Pit Pro Handyman 724-544-8544
At Pit Pro Handyman we offer services to clean the mechanisms of your garage door to remove insects, dust, debris that get stuck to and accumulate forming a paste like film as they combine with the lubricants that are placed on your door to keep it operating smoothly. This cleaning service will also remove these lubricants which has more than likely dried and degrades to the point that they are not working as intended. Once all of the debric is cleaned from the mechanisms a lubrication is needed to get things rolling smoothly again.
Following the cleaning we will lubricate the mechanisms and moving parts including the springs, rails, handles, locks, and other miscellaneous parts. We will use a special lubricant that is formulated for garage doors. Some instances require a spray and some require a tube or oil yet all are manufactured specifically for garage doors.
We also clean the painted surfaces of the garage doors both inside and out. If you request, we can provide a fresh coat of paint to the garage door to cover any scuff marks that may not wash off. In some cases two coats of paint will be requred yet in most cases a wash down will suffice until the homes five year painting cycle arrives. As most homes do not have chilren bouncing balls off of garage doors or kids striking the garage door with bike tires the door will wipe or scrub clean without requiring paint.
Balance the garge door can be a tricky procedure and if your garage door is extremely noisy of off balance a service call may be needed by the manufacturer of the door so that they can balance it as they prescribe. In most cases this is a very specific procedure that reuires several men and proprietary tools.

Shall you desire to add a garage door opener we can assist in the installation. In most cases the client will order their own garage door opener from Amazon or purchse one at a local big box hardware store and then we will provide the installation service. Garage door opener installation typically takes two to four hours and is a tedious procedure to provide the quietest operation and remain balanced for the longest period.